Aside from memory loss, people who have some form of dementia may experience other symptoms such as an inability to focus or pay attention, an impaired sense of judgment, and an inability to problem solve. Some people may even experiences issues with language or communication.
A long-term study released in early 2018 found a "strong link" between hearing loss and dementia in older adults. A third of participants who had hearing loss were found to be more likely to have other major health issues such as depression, disability, and dementia. Similarly, a 2011 John Hopkins School of Medicine studyfound that participants who had mild to severe hearing loss were more likely to develop dementia. "When you have hearing loss your brain has to work hard to compensate for the lack of auditory input," Dr. Lawal says. "When this continues for many years and people don’t get help for their hearing loss, the brain can weaken which increases the likelihood of developing dementia."