About Us

About Us

Reliable. Precise. Consistent.

We believe in relationships, not transactions. Speech, Language, and Hearing care treatment is not a one-time purchase or visit. As Masters of Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology, we are concerned with your overall health. Your medical history, medications, and conditions are key factors in determining the best hearing treatment for you. Just like with your dentist, and other medical specialists you see, someone who knows you, your history, your family, and your needs are always best. Changes in your medications, heart function, memory, blood pressure, and other medical conditions can affect and cause changes in your hearing and processing ability. We want to be the specialists you trust to coordinate your Speech, Language & Hearing health with the rest of your health. We offer and utilize every manufacturer, a model, of hearing aid. A hearing aid is a device designed to improve hearing by making sound audible to a person with hearing loss. Our modern Digital Hearing Aid technology has come a long way in the past decade. The selection of Hearing Aids is based on the type and severity of hearing loss, listening needs, and lifestyle.

  • Hearing Test
  • Hearing Aid
We are the best

Why Choose Us

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    25+ years of rich experience
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    Offering 20 different diagnostic hearing tests
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    Selection of hearing aid to meet the individual needs
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    Upgradation of Hearing Aids, and fine tuning of hearing aids to provide desired satisfaction level.
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    We offer specialized testing for your new born and infants and also offer appropriate solutions.
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